Tuesday, December 05, 2006

bitter. and not sweet.

...and hell week for choir begins....

too many things going wrong right now. i can't handle it. GAH.
it's that stupid little thing that tears me up inside. like GO AWAY. rawr.
i dont wanna care. really. the problem is i care too much. ayyyyche.
aaaaaaand then. school is being really ;lkjfdsaasjdfkl; for me.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand then things at home are putting me in bad moods too.
UGHHH. life is one big cycle. at one point, it's the greatest thing ever.
like everything's perfect. then everything goes wrong. then everything's perfect again.
then things fall apart. then they go back together. then...
yeah. you get the point.
you can guess how it is right now.
you'd think life could just dose me with crap a little at a time. sheeesh.


i cant wait 'til this week is OVER. aaand i'm soooo ready for christmas break.
i cant wait to get out of this country for two weeks...

and the countdown begins. EIGHTEEN DAYS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

18 days till what ?
Xmas is on the 25th ..

any crap you're going through ..
I already have .
life does nothing but tease me .

just look on the bright side .
use the cycle to your advantage .
don't lose that hope, that anticipation of the time of perfection scheduled to come up after you get through these hard times .

I hope you feel better ...