Thursday, February 01, 2007

a bittersweet ending & many thanks

what a week. what a horrible week. worst week of my life....schoolwise, anyway. ughalsdfkjl; after breaking down for the second time last night, i thought i had cried everything out already. today was the weirdest day ever. it started out great actually. dancing salsa all during spanish was soo much fun! haha thanks albert (: but then math killleddd it. i pretty much failed my math frikkn lamesauce. good news is, i barely got my B for math...but still. that didnt stop me from feeling crappy about how i did on the final. i was soo disappointed. i thought the final was super easy. i mean, i felt like i knew what i was doing when i took it. obviously not...i screwed up majortime somehow....and that just made me feel sooo bad.....

the worst feeling in the world is disappointing yourself.

and so i cried again. for the third time this week. ive never felt so bad in my life. and then business friggn didnt make things better. frikken hale graded like a mother on our final projects and our group got a c...which brought my frikken grade down to a B+ 89.1% i was already feeling crappy from math. i sooo did not need this stupid B to drag my gpa down even more. so frikken lamesauce. i hate business. so much. i really do. i cried the entire business period....(thanks jonathan for caring) and then going into sixth period chem, i was still feeling down. and mrs. levoit could tell i wasnt feeling so great. she asked if i was okay. i said not really...and then my tears started up again. AJSKFDL; by this time i was SOO tired of crying. my eyes hurt soo much from all the painful tears. i didnt wanna cry any more but they just didnt seem to stop. and mrs. levoit let me go outside. thanks diana, jessica, and erin for sitting with me and making me feel better. it really helped. then i went to english and the day thankfully ended fast.....

there's nothing better than to just be with your friends after such a bad time. i know i must look like a fool...crying all week, but i am lucky enough to have people who just let me cry it out and give me hugs when i need them most. thanks kimly and athena. ugh i was such a wreck this week. i promise to be better. in all aspects...meaning, not just sure you know what i'm talking about....

oh and shane....thanks so much. cuz i always feel better after spending some time with you. i am able to just forget all my bad feelings and just move on. thanks for always brightening up my days. i dont know what i'd do without you ♥

what a bittersweet ending to a semester. second sem, here i come! (:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.