Wednesday, February 28, 2007

so bad

have you ever wanted something so bad, that it hurt?
like when you want to eat that last cookie and you know you shouldnt, and your stomach begins to ache for it? or like when you want that A soooo bad, that you sweat, cry, and bleed every night just to get that grade you want? (okay so maybe not bleeed but you get the point)or when you want something to be better so much that you do everything you can to make it better, but it's painful for you 'cuz it ends up being a one-way street? have you ever wanted something so bad, that it hurt? when you have certain obstacles you repeatedly have to overcome, and they just keep on reappearing before your eyes...and each time, it smacks you HARD in the face? you'd think you could anticipate these aggravating nuisances, but no. they always just seem to trip you at the most unexpected times. have you ever wanted something so bad, that it hurt? right now, it's the same wish that i made for my birthday candles last year; it's the same wish that i make everytime i pick up a dandelion; it's the same wish i make everytime the clock reads 11:11; and it'll probably be the same wish that i make for this year's sixteen candles. "bfil" is all i ask for. is my wish unattainable? a possibility, but really, can you blame a girl for wanting what she needs to be complete? i think all i need is time (:

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