Monday, March 05, 2007

"forced to think hell is a place called home"

the hard slamming of the door doesnt seem to match the trobbing in her head. stinging red eyes with tears streaming down her face...she closes her eyes to try and stop the endless spills..but they just keep on coming. she is alone in her room, hiding under the covers, hoping that the loud screaming now engraved in her head will go away. never enough. she is never enough. everything she does is wrong. another night in which she cries herself to sleep, alone. with no one to support her. and no one to stop her tears from falling like hard rain on a stormy night. and the worst part is, it all affects her life at school. she doesnt need this now. these always come at the worst times. and each time, it gets worse. and each time she cries. and each time she tells herself: "be strong. tomorrow is another day." but how many more days until she completely falls apart? under her covers, she prays.

i need someone.

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