Friday, March 09, 2007

just around the riverbend

"when i think of rona, i think of this happy girl bouncing around.
that's the rona i know...try not to be so down" (rg)

* * *

so i was sitting in the quad when everyone left and it felt good to sit in the sun and feel the cool breeze. then i look over to some lockers to see this seventh grader crying. and her friend was beside her; comforting her. it made me kinda sad to see that girl crying. then i thought about how that was me at the beginning of this week. for every bad day, there's a good day to make up for it. and i am just too lucky to have friends who talk to me...and tell me that things are okay. and it's those friends who help you get through those crappy days. and it's those friends who care to tell you about your faults and still love you for who you are. cuz it's one thing to know for yourself, but another thing when someone actually TELLS you. cuz then it really HITS you. i've finally come to the realization that there are just some things that can't be changed. and then there are those things that are always changing. i have to learn to just "follow the current" HAHAHAHA. i know, i's "go with the flow" i remember this time (:

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