Thursday, July 19, 2007

im back.

hahahhaha. YOU got me reading my old xanga. that made me sick..
but it also made me miss it. hahaha. and im too lazy to go back
and figure xanga out. so here i go. hahaha. ohboy.

here's something to think about for now:

when getting high meant swinging at the playground.
when the worst thing you could get from boys was cooties.
when mom was your hero.
when your worst enemies were your siblings.
when the only race issues were who ran the fastest.
when war was a card game.
when the only drug you knew was that cough medicine.
when the only thing you smoked were the tires on your bike.
when the only thing that hurt was skinned knees,
and the only thing that could be broken were your toys...
life was simple & carefree.
but what i remember MOST,
was wanting to grow up..


gabymanalo said...

but now that we're grown up, it just seems that we want to be little again :)

Anonymous said...

what gaby said! :)