hahahahaha. i know, i know. technically its 'like mother like daughter.' haha. i just really noticed today how much i get from my mom. like seriously. she came home so stressed out from work. and really upset too. cuz something at work happened and she was really really upset. and thing is, when my mom is really upset about something, she'll tell the story over and over and over and over again. i know i do that all the time. when im upset, i'll rant on and on forever. and like, when im upset, im REALLY upset. haha. now i know where i get it from :P craazy. mostly everything physical about me i got from my dad. im pretty much like my mom on the inside. kinda scary when i think about it O_o i mean really: im sensitive like my mom, im moody like my mom, when im upset im REALLY upset like my mom, and when i party, i PAAAARTY. haha believe it or not, i got THAT from my mom too ;] i think the only difference is that she's comfortable talking to new people. you may be surprised at how shy i am when it comes to new people. honestly, I'M surprised. hahaha. i just found this out about myself last week at my first dance class. hahaa. but its all good :]
im being left out of all this harry potter maddness :[
moms making me wait til paperback. AGHH ADSJFKL;
so that was a random rant. but here's a cartoon that gets me EVERYTIME. hahahahha.
HAHAH, okay first of all....i saved this comic when i saw it on the site too. :D
and YEAH you're shy when you meet new people. EIGHT GRADE HALLOWEEN HAUNT, ANYONE?! HAHAHAHA.
yeah, you always invade my space
my horoscope STILL says gemini is my lover, what is this madness??
bluecherry needs to reunite.
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