Saturday, July 28, 2007

up late again?

indeed i will be tonight. once again.
ah yeah. but you say you have a summer bedtime?
just because im lying in my bed, doesnt mean im sleeping..

sleepless nights..
why dont these episodes ever end?
i really should be used to this by now..
i feel numb. like im too used to this.
such bad memories. ha.
but seriously. ive changed. sortaa..
now i always try and look for the silver lining.
and. well in this case...
at least my restless thoughts will have some company tonight.
oh harry potter. what shall i do without you
once i finish this last book?

i mean really. jk rowling has never failed to
awe, surprise, and impress me. isnt it so exciting
when harry, ron, & hermione discover something
and you UNDERSTAND the connection from the previous books?!
i get so excitedd. you have no idea. hahahahaha.
well back to the unravelingg of mysteries!! ta-ta.

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