happy birthday to one of the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for. seventh grade. wow, it's been four years, this year being the fifth, since i have known you. and every year, you never fail to be the true friend that i dont really deserve. with everything that you do for me, it'd be impossible to ever repay you, but i'll try really hard (: you have seen me at my best, and at my worst. you're one of the only people who has ever seen me really pissed...that was an ugly day...hahahhaa. in fact, you've seen a lot of my ugly sides and moments. and yet, here you are still today, being the amazing friend that you are to me. thanks for all those times you walked with me when i was in a crappy mood, even when i tried to get rid of everyone around me. thanks for that day when you stopped by my house when i didnt show up to seventh period. you always seem to know when im at the lowest of my lows, and you're always one of the few who urge me forward, encouraging me to live. you're one of those people who have stuck by me since day one, regardless of my ridiculous mood swings and bipolar phases. you're someone i know will tolerate me, especially when i cant even tolerate myself. and i thank you for that. and for so many other things. have an awesome birthday bud, cuz you deserve it more than anyone. thanks again times infinity.
chris brown da man! :D
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