Wednesday, January 16, 2008

blissful void.

she walks past, not knowing what to say or how to feel. she walks past, trying to remember if all the smiles were real. she walks past, mixed emotions erupting inside. she walks past, not sure if she should hide. the walk has passed, with relenting thoughts. the walk has passed, with everything seemingly lost. the irony. the contradiction. the definite uncertainty. the blissful void. and when the past has passed, theres an empty crowd of feeling and intuition lost among the binds of yesterday. the end of the night will inescapably bring about the light of the next day...but has yesterday really gone? only God knows.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

to tell you the truth i dont know what the heck you're talking about BUT i really like all the literary devices you use :D it like ADDS to the effect and like makes it soo dramatic. its like WOWWOWOWOW iono. i still dont get it but i sounds nice :D hahahaha you should show mrs. spencer. she'll LOVE you even more