Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"life is pandemonium"

so lately, you may hear me say this line over and over again. it's choir's fault..and the fact that right now, it's so fitting. dictionary.com defines pandemonium as utter chaos. "life is random & unfaaair! life is pandemonium!" thats the complete line. asjdf;alskdfjas;df;. yeah. in case you havent already guessed, this is gonna be one of those "im going to rant my brain off here cuz i know no one else wants to hear it" rant. basically, yah. finals are coming up..the next two weeks will be hell. i got in trouble again last night. eff man, eff. i cant do anything right...frick. it's just you know..my easily discouraged morale is shattered by your loud, piercing words, alright?!?! AGHHH! i just...yeah. okay. im done with that....kreative movement workshops & auditions are coming up soon..if im not gonna be able to go to anything except prom, then God, please let me do this KM stuff. so at least...i can be happy....uhmmm..i cant go to vibe on sunday, and thats making me really sad..friick. (danggit albert..haha) *sigh. man, with so much on my mind i want to explode. yay for blogs. okay. ill stop wasting your time now. and my own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahah it was still pretty touching tho.

yea, i like the song. too bad imeem only lets me play 30 sec. on my page? :(