Friday, April 18, 2008

it's been a crazy week.

so basically, yesterday my neighbor across the street from my house talked to my dad saying that at 10:45AM there was some teenage kid and an older guy that came to our house and doorbelled. when no one answered, they went through the gate to the back of our house. my neighbor started getting suspicious so he made his presence known. when the guys saw my neighbor, they hopped into their car and drove off. my neighbor was able to get their license plate down. how freakin scary is that? my mom is all paranoid now about leavin me at home alone...well that is pretty scary. *shivers* qlkajvjs;dolak; creepers..anyway. change of subject. the benefit concert was okay. no one was really i totally knocked out right after though. i was freakin tired. and i got a small fever last night "/ i hate being sick. makes me feel like CRAP. seriously. what a crazy week. dang. my plans from the beginning of this week kept getting "postponed" due to all this crazy stuff during the week (*ahem! haha..). but i made myself do it in the end. thank goodness :] and by the words of mister v: this is better. hope for the best<3 ive been driving. and not dying O.O yay! hahaha. yeah. uhm i guess thats all for now. i have kreative practice tonight!! yay! finally! ive been having withdrawal symptoms from not having practice! hahahhaha. yeah yeah, im so maarte :P thanks for reading! 'til next time :D

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