Saturday, April 12, 2008

a living paradox.

i hate cinnamon but i love churros. dont really like to sing but choir is one of my passions. i hate the color pink, yet my first sn was pinkergal. i used to be afraid of the dark, but i would always want my door closed at night. rape is my biggest fear but i want to watch prom night. i love swimming at the beach but waves scare me. im a shy person but i like having good conversations with people. i dont have a problem with giving love..except to myself. some people think im selfish; what they dont know is that im really sacrificing myself. physics is really interesting, but i have a D in the class for quarter (a c if im lucky). i complain a lot about how my mom acts, but i know im gonna grow up to be somewhat like her. speaking of which, im seventeen but im treated like im seven. patients at my mom's work think im some kind of genius cuz i go to oxford; what they dont know is that i dont think i actually belong there. everyone thinks im an emotional wreck, but the truth is, i dont care what they think. i always know the reason why i cry, but i may not always know why i feel that way. i know that whatever i blog can be seen by the whole world, but i only blog for myself. i always want to share my writings in class during english, but i always get intense butterflies and chicken out. i cant stand the taste of mint-flavored food in my mouth but i love brushing my teeth. i like going to amusement parks, but i dont go on the rides. kittens are absolutely adorable but i think all cats should DIE. im afraid of falling, but i wish i could fly. i dont take compliments very easily, but i like knowing that im doing something right for once.

there's more..i could keep going on and on about my paradoxical life, but im kinda tired. haha. thanks for reading. 'til next time.

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